Zimt und Koriander
Tassos BoulmetisSchauspieler:
Ieroklis Michaelidis, Renia Louizidou, Tamer Karadağlı, Stelios Mainas, Tassos Bandis, Odysseas Papaspiliopoulos, Georges CorrafaceEinst lebte der Astrophysiker Fanis (Georges Corraface) wie viele Griechen im türkischen Istanbul. Doch als 1964 die Osmanen ihre hellenischen Nachbarn zwangen, das Land praktisch über Nacht zu verlassen, musste auch Fanis sein Päckchen schnüren. Nun steht ein Wiedersehen bevor, denn sein in Istanbul verbliebener Großvater, der ihn einst nicht bloß die hohe Kunst des Kochens lehrte, ist schwer erkrankt. Das ist Anlass genug für Fanis, seinen eigenen Lebensweg zu hinterfragen und die Gedanken schweifen zu lassen.
Dieses gern als mediterrane Antwort auf "Bittersüße Schokolade" apostrophierte Drama um Liebe, Familienbande und die völkerverbindende Macht der guten Küche wurde ein echter Publikumserfolg an der östlichen Adria.
"A Touch of Spice" is a story about Fanis, a young Greek boy growing up in Istanbul, whose grandfather, a culinary philosopher and mentor, teaches him that both food and life require a little salt to give them flavor. They both require... A Touch of Spice. Fanis grows up to become an excellent cook and uses his cooking skills to spice up the lives of those around him. 35 years later he leaves Athens and travels back to his birthplace of Istanbul to reunite with his grandfather and his first love. He travels back only to realize that he forgot to put a little bit of spice in his own life.
"A Touch of Spice" is a story about Fanis, a young Greek boy growing up in Istanbul, whose grandfather, a culinary philosopher and mentor, teaches him that both food and life require a little salt to give them flavor. They both require... A Touch of Spice. Fanis grows up to become an excellent cook and uses his cooking skills to spice up the lives of those around him. 35 years later he leaves Athens and travels back to his birthplace of Istanbul to reunite with his grandfather and his first love. He travels back only to realize that he forgot to put a little bit of spice in his own life.