Zombie King - König der Untoten
Aidan BelizaireSchauspieler:
Edward Furlong, Corey Feldman, George McCluskey, David McClelland, Michael Gamarano, Seb Castang, Rebecca-Clare Evans, Jennifer Chippindale, Jon Campling, Timothy Owen, Anabel Barnston, Jane Foufas, Leo Horsfield, Forbes KB, Sebastian Street, Tanya KatarinaSamuel Peters ist ein lausiger Durchschnittstyp. Aktuell vertreibt er sich die Zeit mit Voodoo in der Hoffnung, seine verstorbene Frau aus dem Reich der Toten zurückholen zu können. Als er auf Kalfu - den Gott des Bösen - trifft, schließt er einen schicksalhaften Pakt. Peters soll die Unterwelt zerstören und damit die Welt binnen sieben Tagen ins Chaos stürzen, um als „König der Untoten" bis in alle Ewigkeit mit seiner Frau zusammen auf der Erde verbleiben zu dürfen. Aufgrund rasch anwachsender Horden von Zombies errichtet die Regierung Sperrzonen. So auch in einem kleinen beschaulichen Dorf, dessen Bewohner ums nackte Überleben kämpfen und sich dem Zombie King und seiner Horde mit allen zur Verfügung stehenden Waffen zur Wehr setzen. In der Nacht des dunklen Mondes kommt es zur entscheidenden Schlacht gegen das unsagbar Böse …
Samuel Peters (Edward Furlong), once an ordinary man, dabbles in the laws of voodoo to bring his wife back from the grave. He soon encounters the God of malevolence ‘Kalfu’ (Corey Feldman), and makes a pact with him to destroy the underworld and bring chaos to earth. In return, he will become ‘The Zombie King’ and walk the earth for eternity with his late wife. But, as the ever growing horde of zombies begins to completely wipe out a countryside town, the Government set-up a perimeter around the town and employ a shoot-on-sight policy. Trapped within the town, the locals, an unlikely bunch of misfits, must fight for their lives and unite in order to survive. Can our heroes unravel the clues in time and survive or will The Zombie King and his horde of zombies rise on the night of the dark moon?
Samuel Peters (Edward Furlong), once an ordinary man, dabbles in the laws of voodoo to bring his wife back from the grave. He soon encounters the God of malevolence ‘Kalfu’ (Corey Feldman), and makes a pact with him to destroy the underworld and bring chaos to earth. In return, he will become ‘The Zombie King’ and walk the earth for eternity with his late wife. But, as the ever growing horde of zombies begins to completely wipe out a countryside town, the Government set-up a perimeter around the town and employ a shoot-on-sight policy. Trapped within the town, the locals, an unlikely bunch of misfits, must fight for their lives and unite in order to survive. Can our heroes unravel the clues in time and survive or will The Zombie King and his horde of zombies rise on the night of the dark moon?