Zombie Shooter
Scott Windhauser, Mike CuffSchauspieler:
Dolph Lundgren, Brandon Beemer, Bleona, Autumn Reeser, Isaiah Washington, Chris Galya, Derek BooneEin mysteriöses Virus hat Milliarden Menschen getötet und viele andere in blutdurstige Zombies verwandelt. Die Regierung kämpft verzweifelt gegen das Virus und rekrutiert junge Soldaten, die die Zombie-Horde stoppen sollen. Angeführt von Captain Kyle Walker reist das Elite-Team nach Terminal City, dem Ursprungsort des Virus-Ausbruchs. Sie sind auf der Suche nach einem Team von Wissenschaftlern, die seit längerem an einem Wirkstoff gegen das Virus forschen. Unter ihnen ist auch die Tochter von General Conlan. Doch um sie zu erreichen, müssen sich die Soldaten durch eine Stadt kämpfen, die mit Zombies überfüllt ist.
Wenig inspirierte und bescheiden umgesetzte Zombie-Action-Variante, die aber immerhin mit Dolph Lundgren aufwarten kann.
2021 - 5 years after the outbreak of a mysterious virus that turned humans into bloodthirsty, undead beasts much of the world’s population has been decimated. When governments were unable to keep the disease at bay, the Contagion Special Unit was formed with the toughest soldiers and best specialists to fight the infected. Because of the rapidly decreasing number of soldiers, a popular online video game Dead Trigger that mirrors the terrifying events was created. The best efforts of the gamers are monitored by the CSU who recruit the highest rated zombie killers. The young recruits are called “Dead Triggers”. The movie follows a group of young recruits who must travel to the origin of the outbreak to find a missing team of scientists who were searching for a cure.
2021 - 5 years after the outbreak of a mysterious virus that turned humans into bloodthirsty, undead beasts much of the world’s population has been decimated. When governments were unable to keep the disease at bay, the Contagion Special Unit was formed with the toughest soldiers and best specialists to fight the infected. Because of the rapidly decreasing number of soldiers, a popular online video game Dead Trigger that mirrors the terrifying events was created. The best efforts of the gamers are monitored by the CSU who recruit the highest rated zombie killers. The young recruits are called “Dead Triggers”. The movie follows a group of young recruits who must travel to the origin of the outbreak to find a missing team of scientists who were searching for a cure.