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Sarah WinkenstetteSchauspieler:
Yoran Leicher, Sobhi Awad, Anna König, Andreas Nickl, Anna Böttcher, Petra Nadolny, Tobias Schäfer, Julia Schmitt, Bilal BahadirDer 12-jährige Ben (Yoran Leicher) und der 11-jährige Tariq (Sobhi Awad) sind neu an ihrer Schule und neu im Fußballverein. Sie haben auch noch eine weitere Gemeinsamkeit: Sie haben beide ihre Heimat verloren - Ben durch den Kohleabbau und Tariq durch den Krieg in Syrien. Schnell freunden sich die beiden miteinander an. Doch im Gegensatz zu Ben, stiehlt Tariq seinem Freund auf dem Fußballplatz die Show, auch in der Klasse ist er viel beliebter als Ben. Kann Ben es schaffen, aus dem Schatten seines Freundes zu treten?
Ben (11) and Tariq (12) have more in common than they realise. Both are new to school and football and have lost their homeland. Ben's village will soon became an open brown coal mine. He and his family move to a nearby city but Ben fails to fit in at his new school. Bullied, he returns secretly to his old, abandoned home. His one pleasure, football, pales with the arrival of Tariq, a Syrian refugee and better player. But when bureaucracy stops Tariq playing, he runs away, Ben finds him and learns that Tariq is desperate to be reunited with his scattered family. Jealousy on the football field becomes friendship and understanding.
Ben (11) and Tariq (12) have more in common than they realise. Both are new to school and football and have lost their homeland. Ben's village will soon became an open brown coal mine. He and his family move to a nearby city but Ben fails to fit in at his new school. Bullied, he returns secretly to his old, abandoned home. His one pleasure, football, pales with the arrival of Tariq, a Syrian refugee and better player. But when bureaucracy stops Tariq playing, he runs away, Ben finds him and learns that Tariq is desperate to be reunited with his scattered family. Jealousy on the football field becomes friendship and understanding.