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Norman JewisonSchauspieler:
Bruce Willis, Emily Lloyd, Joan Allen, Kevin Anderson, John Terry, Peggy Rea, Judith Ivey, Richard Hamilton, Stephen Tobolowsky, Jim Beaver, Daniel Jenkins, Patricia Richardson, Charlie Lamb, Heidi Swedberg, Ken Jenkins, Jonathan HoganNach ihrem Schulabschluss ist die junge Samantha Hughes (Emily Lloyd) noch ein wenig desorientiert und versucht Erfahrungen fürs spätere Leben zu machen. Ihr Vater fiel in Vietnam, ihre Mutter lebt in einer anderen Stadt. Ihre einzige Kontaktperson aus der Familie ist ihr Onkel Emmett Smith (Bruce Willis), der seine traumatischen Vietnamerfahrungen nie ganz verwunden hat. Doch Samantha will mehr über ihren Vater erfahren...
Samantha Hughes, a teenaged Kentucky girl, never knew her father, who died in Vietnam before her birth. Samantha lives with her uncle Emmett, who also served in Vietnam. Emmett hangs around with Tom, Earl, and Pete, three other Vietnam vets who, like Emmett, all have problems of one kind or another that relate to their war experiences. Samantha becomes obsessed with finding out about her father.
Samantha Hughes, a teenaged Kentucky girl, never knew her father, who died in Vietnam before her birth. Samantha lives with her uncle Emmett, who also served in Vietnam. Emmett hangs around with Tom, Earl, and Pete, three other Vietnam vets who, like Emmett, all have problems of one kind or another that relate to their war experiences. Samantha becomes obsessed with finding out about her father.