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Cary MedowaySchauspieler:
Lewis Smith, Jason Gedrick, Jane Kaczmarek, Richard Mulligan, Mark Metcalf, Nancy ValenBobby Fantana verunglückt bei einem Rennen tödlich. Der Zutritt zum Paradies wird ihm jedoch verwehrt, denn er muss sich erst als Schutzengel beweisen. Er wird für Lenny zuständig, ein junger Mann, der kein Glück bei Frauen hat und sonst auch eher auf der Verliererseite steht. Bobby bewährt sich als sein Schutzengel und rettet ihm einmal das Leben. Er tut auch alles, damit er mit Sharon zusammenkommen kann. Doch dann erfährt Bobby etwas über Lenny, das alles auf den Kopf stellt.
Cary Medoways charmante Fantasykomödie über einen Schutzengel wurde bei den Youth in Film Awards 1986 als bester Jugendfilm ausgezeichnet. Der kultige Soundtrack besteht aus zehn Songs und erschien damals auch auf Vinyl und Kassette.
When Bobby dies in a car accident he is not allowed to enter heaven but has to stay in one of the lower levels until he has worked enough as an guardian angel in order to deserve paradise. One of his jobs is Lenny, a gifted boy, who loves his schoolmate Sharon who is the most beautiful girl of the class. But she does not even notice him so that he is about to commit suicide. Bobby prevents this and dresses Lenny up making him a playboy and tough guy so that he gets what he wants although Bobby knows that this is not the best. Thinking that his job is done, Bobby realizes that Lenny's mother is his former girlfriend who has married another guy. Although not being allowed he makes himself visible to her...
When Bobby dies in a car accident he is not allowed to enter heaven but has to stay in one of the lower levels until he has worked enough as an guardian angel in order to deserve paradise. One of his jobs is Lenny, a gifted boy, who loves his schoolmate Sharon who is the most beautiful girl of the class. But she does not even notice him so that he is about to commit suicide. Bobby prevents this and dresses Lenny up making him a playboy and tough guy so that he gets what he wants although Bobby knows that this is not the best. Thinking that his job is done, Bobby realizes that Lenny's mother is his former girlfriend who has married another guy. Although not being allowed he makes himself visible to her...