Zwei dreckige Halunken
Joseph L. MankiewiczSchauspieler:
Kirk Douglas, Henry Fonda, Hume Cronyn, Warren Oates, Burgess Meredith, John Randolph, Lee Grant, Arthur O'Connell, Martin Gabel, Michael Blodgett, C.K. Yang, Alan Hale Jr., Victor French, Claudia McNeil, Bert Freed, Jeanne CooperArizona 1883: Ein charakterlich mieser, aber intelligenter Geldräuber sucht im Gefängnis nach einer Möglichkeit zum Ausbruch. Nach abenteuerlicher Flucht und zahlreichen Auseinandersetzungen mit Rivalen tatsächlich am Versteck seines Geldes angekommen, scheitert er an einer nicht vorhersehbaren Kleinigkeit....
Arizona Territorial Prison inmate Paris Pitman, Jr. is a schemer, a charmer, and quite popular among his fellow convicts — especially with $500,000 in stolen loot hidden away and a plan to escape and recover it. New warden Woodward Lopeman has other ideas about Pitman. Each man will have the tables turned on him.
Arizona Territorial Prison inmate Paris Pitman, Jr. is a schemer, a charmer, and quite popular among his fellow convicts — especially with $500,000 in stolen loot hidden away and a plan to escape and recover it. New warden Woodward Lopeman has other ideas about Pitman. Each man will have the tables turned on him.