100% Wolf - Die Legende des Mondsteins
Ilai Swindells, Elizabeth NabbenFreddy Lupin hat einen großen Traum. Er möchte Schüler der Heulenstein Akademie werden, einer geheimen Schule für Werwölfe. Dafür muss er beweisen, dass er das Herz eines echten Wolfs in sich trägt. Doch da gibt es ein Problem: Er ist ein Pudel. Ein rosa Pudel.
So what if he's a pink poodle? Freddy Lupin knows he's got what it takes to run with the elite werewolf Night Patrol. All he has to do is win a place at the prestigious Howlington Academy, keep his fluffy butt out of trouble and graduate. Easy-peasy, right? Wrong!Being the first dog at a werewolf-only finishing school is tougher than Freddy ever imagined. With the hopes of dogs everywhere resting on his curly pink shoulders, Freddy knows failure is not an option. He HAS to pass the year.Grappling with schoolyard politics, arcane coursework, rogue wilderwolves and werewolf hunters, Freddy will be lucky to survive the year, let alone pass! Freddy takes charge and celebrates his identity. He's flawed and vulnerable and has moments of self-doubt, but in the end, he always manages to put a poodle twist on things and emerge victorious. He may be fluffy and groomed, but it turns out that Freddy Lupin is 100% hero!
So what if he's a pink poodle? Freddy Lupin knows he's got what it takes to run with the elite werewolf Night Patrol. All he has to do is win a place at the prestigious Howlington Academy, keep his fluffy butt out of trouble and graduate. Easy-peasy, right? Wrong!Being the first dog at a werewolf-only finishing school is tougher than Freddy ever imagined. With the hopes of dogs everywhere resting on his curly pink shoulders, Freddy knows failure is not an option. He HAS to pass the year.Grappling with schoolyard politics, arcane coursework, rogue wilderwolves and werewolf hunters, Freddy will be lucky to survive the year, let alone pass! Freddy takes charge and celebrates his identity. He's flawed and vulnerable and has moments of self-doubt, but in the end, he always manages to put a poodle twist on things and emerge victorious. He may be fluffy and groomed, but it turns out that Freddy Lupin is 100% hero!