2 Broke Girls
Michael Patrick King, Whitney CummingsSchauspieler:
Kat Dennings, Beth Behrs, Matthew Moy, Garrett Morris, Jonathan Kite, Jennifer Coolidge2 Broke Girls ist eine CBS-Comedy-Serie über zwei junge Frauen in New York, die zusammen in einem billigen Schnellrestaurant kellnern und ein Freundschaftsbündnis eingehen in der Hoffnung bald in Big Apple groß raus zu kommen. Die 22-jährigen Kellnerinnen Max (Kat Dennings) und Caroline (Beth Behrs) wollen sich ihren Traum verwirklichen und eine Konditorei eröffnen. Nur fehlt ihnen dazu bislang das nötige Kleingeld.
Die unverschämte und gewiefte Max Black (Kat Dennings) hat zwei Jobs um über die Runden zu kommen - den einen eben als Kellnerin während der Nachtschicht im Williamsburg Diner. Die mondäne Caroline Channing (Beth Behrs) dagegen ist eine gefallene Treuhandfond-Prinzessin aus Uptown, die in der Vergangenheit ziemlich viel Pech hatte und nun gezwungen ist, widerwillig die süßen Freuden des Dienstleistungsberufes zu genießen.
2 Broke Girls is a comedy about two young women waitressing at a greasy spoon diner who strike up an unlikely friendship in the hopes of launching a successful business - if only they can raise the cash. Sassy, streetwise Max Black works two jobs just to get by, one of which is waiting tables during the night shift at the retro-hip Williamsburg Diner. Sophisticated Caroline Channing is an uptown trust fund princess who's having a run of bad luck that forces her to reluctantly give waitressing a shot. At first, Max sees Caroline as yet another in a long line of inept servers she must cover for, but she's surprised to find that Caroline has as much substance as she does style.When Caroline discovers Max's knack for baking amazing cupcakes, she sees a lucrative future for them, but first they need to raise the start-up money. While they save their tips, they'll stay at the restaurant, working with Oleg, an overly flirtatious Russian cook; Earl, a 75-year-old kool-kat cashier; and Han Lee, the new, eager-to-please owner of the diner. Working together, these two broke girls living in one expensive city might just find the perfect recipe for their big break.
2 Broke Girls is a comedy about two young women waitressing at a greasy spoon diner who strike up an unlikely friendship in the hopes of launching a successful business - if only they can raise the cash. Sassy, streetwise Max Black works two jobs just to get by, one of which is waiting tables during the night shift at the retro-hip Williamsburg Diner. Sophisticated Caroline Channing is an uptown trust fund princess who's having a run of bad luck that forces her to reluctantly give waitressing a shot. At first, Max sees Caroline as yet another in a long line of inept servers she must cover for, but she's surprised to find that Caroline has as much substance as she does style.When Caroline discovers Max's knack for baking amazing cupcakes, she sees a lucrative future for them, but first they need to raise the start-up money. While they save their tips, they'll stay at the restaurant, working with Oleg, an overly flirtatious Russian cook; Earl, a 75-year-old kool-kat cashier; and Han Lee, the new, eager-to-please owner of the diner. Working together, these two broke girls living in one expensive city might just find the perfect recipe for their big break.