IMDB Rating
Voting: 7.6 /10 (99)
Trailer: YouTube

257 prichin, chtoby zhit



Полина Максимова, Дарья Руденок, Егор Корешков, Михаил Грищенко, Максим Лагашкин, Роман Маякин, Ася Громова, Андрей Федорцов, Александр Соколовский, Мария Фомина
When terminal cancer patient Zhenya unexpectedly receives a clean bill of health, she can't believe it. She's in remission. But then her life implodes. Homeless, unemployed, and newly single - she stumbles across a list she wrote while she was sick of things she wanted to do when she got better. 257 of them - and now she won't give up until she checks off them all!
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    257 prichin, chtoby zhit (2020)
    Serien Übersicht - Bitte wähle eine Staffel und Episode

    Mirror 1 | 12.12.2021 -

    Summary & Details

    When terminal cancer patient Zhenya unexpectedly receives a clean bill of health, she can't believe it. She's in remission. But then her life implodes. Homeless, unemployed, and newly single - she stumbles across a list she wrote while she was sick of things she wanted to do when she got better. 257 of them - and now she won't give up until she checks off them all!


    ~24 Min.

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