3 caminos
Alberto Macías, Carlos Molinero, Juan Ramón Ruiz de SomavíaSchauspieler:
Álex González, Verónica Echegui, Anna Schimrigk, Andrea Bosca, Alberto Jo Lee, Cecilia SuarezDie Serie handelt von fünf Freunden aus fünf verschiedenen Länden, die durch ihre Pilgerreise auf dem Jakobsweg in drei besonderen Momenten ihres Lebens zusammenkommen. Dabei sieht man, wie die Zeit dafür sorgt, dass Träume zerplatzen und Freundschaften schafft, aber auch zerbricht und sich die Persönlichkeiten der Hauptfiguren verändern. Man sieht sich in drei Lebensphasen in den Jahren 2000, 2006 und 2021.
3 Caminos is the story of five friends from five different countries that are brought together by the Way of St. James in three particular moments of their lives. We witness how the test of time shatters dreams and makes and breaks couples and friendships, while transforming the personalities of our five main characters. 2000, 2006 and 2021, three ways, three life stages, different problems, tensions and common conflicts, played on the slightly spiritual and chaotic board of the Way of St. James.
3 Caminos is the story of five friends from five different countries that are brought together by the Way of St. James in three particular moments of their lives. We witness how the test of time shatters dreams and makes and breaks couples and friendships, while transforming the personalities of our five main characters. 2000, 2006 and 2021, three ways, three life stages, different problems, tensions and common conflicts, played on the slightly spiritual and chaotic board of the Way of St. James.