4400 - Die Rückkehrer
René Echevarria, Scott PetersSchauspieler:
Jacqueline McKenzie, Joel Gretsch, Patrick John Flueger, Conchita Campbell, Chad Faust, Mahershala Ali, Megalyn Echikunwoke, Samantha Ferris, Billy Campbell, Laura Allen, Karina Lombard, Kaj-Erik Eriksen, Peter Coyote, Jenni Baird, Brooke NevinAls 4400 in den vergangenen 60 Jahren spurlos verschwundene Menschen in einer kometenhaften Erscheinung wieder auftauchen, setzt die Behörde für Home Security Agenten ein um die mysteriösen Vorkommnisse aufzuklären...
The 4400 explores the travails of the 4400 people who all at once returned in a ball of light to Earth; though the returnees had not aged physically, many of them reappeared with dramatic abilities ranging from enhanced reflexes to precognition. NTAC (National Threat Assessment Command) is the government agency responsible for keeping track of the returnees and investigating all things related to the 4400.
The 4400 explores the travails of the 4400 people who all at once returned in a ball of light to Earth; though the returnees had not aged physically, many of them reappeared with dramatic abilities ranging from enhanced reflexes to precognition. NTAC (National Threat Assessment Command) is the government agency responsible for keeping track of the returnees and investigating all things related to the 4400.