91 Days
Taku Kishimoto, Hiro KaburagiSchauspieler:
Takahiro Sakurai, Kenjiro Tsuda, Kazuhiro Yamaji, Takuya Eguchi, Soma Saito, Kōtarō Nishiyama, Takashi Kondo, Daisuke Ono, Yuichi NakamuraDas klassische Mafia-Drama spielt während der Prohibitionszeit. Im sogenannten Lawless-Bezirk kümmert sich keiner mehr um bestehende Gesetze, die Mafia regiert über die Straßen der Stadt und illegal hergestellter Schnaps wird offen an Interessierte verkauft. Einst lebte Avilio in diesem Bezirk, nachdem aber seine Familie durch die Mafia ermordet wurde, tauchte Avilio unter und lebte seither im Untergrund. Ein Brief, den Avilio von einer mysteriösen Person zugestellt bekommt, entzündet in ihm die Leidenschaft für die Rache und so entschließt er sich dazu nach Lawless zurückzukehren.
During Prohibition, the law held no power and the mafia ruled the town.The story takes place in Lawless, a town thriving on black market sales of illicitly brewed liquor. Avilio returns to Lawless after some time away, following the murder of his family in a mafia dispute there.One day, Avilio receives a letter from a mysterious sender, prompting him to return to Lawless for revenge. He then infiltrates the Vanetti family, the ones responsible for his family's murder, and sets about befriending the don's son, Nero, to set his vengeance in motion.Killing brings more killing, and revenge spawns more revenge. How will the 91-day story of these men guided by a tragic fate end?
During Prohibition, the law held no power and the mafia ruled the town.The story takes place in Lawless, a town thriving on black market sales of illicitly brewed liquor. Avilio returns to Lawless after some time away, following the murder of his family in a mafia dispute there.One day, Avilio receives a letter from a mysterious sender, prompting him to return to Lawless for revenge. He then infiltrates the Vanetti family, the ones responsible for his family's murder, and sets about befriending the don's son, Nero, to set his vengeance in motion.Killing brings more killing, and revenge spawns more revenge. How will the 91-day story of these men guided by a tragic fate end?