A Teacher
Hannah FidellSchauspieler:
Nick Robinson, Kate Mara, Ashley Zukerman, Shane Harper, Dylan Schmid, Marielle Scott, Adam David Thompson, Jana PeckDie Lehrerin Claire (Kate Mara) ist an einer Highschool in Texas tätig, als sie eine verbotene Liebesbeziehung zum Oberstufenschüler Eric Walker (Nick Robinson) beginnt. Aus der anfänglichen Schwärmerei entwickelt sich eine regelrechte Obsession.
A Teacher examines the complexities and consequences of an illegal relationship between a female teacher, Claire and her male high school student, Eric. Dissatisfied in their own lives, Claire and Eric discover an undeniable escape in each other, but their relationship accelerates faster than anticipated and the permanent damage becomes impossible to ignore.
A Teacher examines the complexities and consequences of an illegal relationship between a female teacher, Claire and her male high school student, Eric. Dissatisfied in their own lives, Claire and Eric discover an undeniable escape in each other, but their relationship accelerates faster than anticipated and the permanent damage becomes impossible to ignore.