Almost Paradise
Dean Devlin, Gary RosenSchauspieler:
Christian Kane, Samantha Richelle, Arthur Acuña, Nonie BuencaminoAlex Walker (Christian Kane) war einmal ein erfolgreicher Undercover-Agent der DEA, der US-Drogenbehörde. Nun ist er nach dem Verrat seines Partners und aufgrund seiner Probleme mit seinem Blutdruck im Vorruhestand und sollte eigentlich sein Leben auf den Phillippinen genießen, wo er nichts weiter zu tun hat, als den Souvenirshop eines Luxushotels zu betreuen. Doch das Hotel ist ein Hot Spot für die wohlhabenen und eben manchmal auch kriminellen Eliten der Welt, was Walker immer wieder auf den Plan ruft. Zusammen mit seinen Freunden bei der lokalen Polizei und Bekannten aus seinem früheren Leben sorgt er immer wieder dafür, dass die Schurken der Welt nicht gänzlich ungestraft davonkommen.
Almost Paradise centers on Alex Walker, a former DEA agent who was forced into early retirement. Once the DEA's most resourceful undercover operative, the combination of his partner's betrayal and a life-threatening battle with hypertension has sent him as far from the madness as he can go — the small tropical island of Cebu in the Philippines. He now runs the gift shop in the island's luxury resort hotel, gets his disability payments at the U.S. Naval base and generally manages his transition from Jason Bourne to Jimmy Buffett.But the island's luxury resort has attracted rich, powerful and sometimes criminal elite from around the world, often on a collision course with Alex. Despite his best efforts to begin a tranquil new life, he's pulled back into a world of dangerous people and deadly situations, either through his friends in the local police or running into people from his old life. And the problem is, he likes it.
Almost Paradise centers on Alex Walker, a former DEA agent who was forced into early retirement. Once the DEA's most resourceful undercover operative, the combination of his partner's betrayal and a life-threatening battle with hypertension has sent him as far from the madness as he can go — the small tropical island of Cebu in the Philippines. He now runs the gift shop in the island's luxury resort hotel, gets his disability payments at the U.S. Naval base and generally manages his transition from Jason Bourne to Jimmy Buffett.But the island's luxury resort has attracted rich, powerful and sometimes criminal elite from around the world, often on a collision course with Alex. Despite his best efforts to begin a tranquil new life, he's pulled back into a world of dangerous people and deadly situations, either through his friends in the local police or running into people from his old life. And the problem is, he likes it.