And Just Like That...
Sarah Jessica Parker, Kristin Davis, Cynthia Nixon, Sara Ramírez, Nicole Ari Parker, Brenda Vaccaro, Chris NothCarrie (Sarah Jessica Parker), Miranda (Cynthia Nixon) und Charlotte (Kristin Davis) verlassen auf ihrem Lebensweg die komplizierten Realitäten des Lebens und der Freundschaft in den Dreißigern – und kommen in der noch komplizierteren Realität des Lebens und der Freundschaft in den Fünfzigern an.
Picking up the story of Sex and the City, And Just Like That… follows Carrie Bradshaw, Charlotte York and Miranda Hobbes as they navigate the journey from the complicated reality of life and friendship in their 30s to the even more complicated reality of life and friendship in their 50s.
Picking up the story of Sex and the City, And Just Like That… follows Carrie Bradshaw, Charlotte York and Miranda Hobbes as they navigate the journey from the complicated reality of life and friendship in their 30s to the even more complicated reality of life and friendship in their 50s.