Angela Black
Joanne Froggatt, Michiel Huisman, Sam AdewunmiIm Mittelpunkt steht Angela (Joanne Froggatt), die mit ihrem Ehemann Oliver (Michiel Huisman) eine scheinbar glückliche Ehe in einem Vorort von London führt. Die Wirklichkeit sieht jedoch völlig anders aus: Als Opfer von häuslicher Gewalt versucht sie die Spuren der Misshandlungen vor der Öffentlichkeit zu verstecken.
Eines Tages tritt der Privatdetektiv Ed (Samuel Adewunmi) an sie heran, der Olivers dunkelsten Geheimnissen auf der Spur ist. Der Fremde gibt ihr die Hoffnung, einen Weg aus ihrer scheinbar aussichtslosen Situation zu finden. Angela hofft, ihr altes Leben hinter sich lassen zu können und sich von dem Mann zu befreien, der sie einen Großteil ihres Leben unterdrückt und gequält hat.
Angela Black's life appears idyllic: a lovely house in suburban London, days working as a volunteer at the dogs' home, two wonderful sons and a charismatic, hard-working husband, Olivier. However, beneath this façade of charmed domesticity, Angela is also the victim of domestic abuse.Trapped in a relationship she cannot escape, Angela is approached out of the blue by Ed, a private investigator, who spills Olivier's darkest secrets. When faced with some horrifying truths about her husband, a stunned Angela is left reeling. Can she really trust Ed? Can she leave behind her life as she knows it and finally free herself from Olivier? With one encounter, Angela's life switches from school runs and the dogs' home to private detectives and buried secrets as she risks everything she holds dear to fight back against the man who has suppressed and tormented her for most of her life.
Angela Black's life appears idyllic: a lovely house in suburban London, days working as a volunteer at the dogs' home, two wonderful sons and a charismatic, hard-working husband, Olivier. However, beneath this façade of charmed domesticity, Angela is also the victim of domestic abuse.Trapped in a relationship she cannot escape, Angela is approached out of the blue by Ed, a private investigator, who spills Olivier's darkest secrets. When faced with some horrifying truths about her husband, a stunned Angela is left reeling. Can she really trust Ed? Can she leave behind her life as she knows it and finally free herself from Olivier? With one encounter, Angela's life switches from school runs and the dogs' home to private detectives and buried secrets as she risks everything she holds dear to fight back against the man who has suppressed and tormented her for most of her life.