Cassandra Morris, Jennifer Visalli, Aaron ConleyDer 12-Jährige Angelo zeigt, wie man mit dem richtigen Plan und ein paar guten Freunden jede Regel clever umschiffen kann. Mal geht’s schief, mal geht’s gut. Auf jeden Fall hat Angelo jede Menge Spaß dabei.
Die Geschichten um den vorwitzigen Schüler in 3-D-Animation basieren auf den Erzählungen der französischen Autorin Sylvie de Mathuisieulx.
Angelo Rules is a cartoon created by Cake Entertainment and Super RTL using 3D animation. Cartoon Network America made and premiered this show in 2010 on Cartoon Network. The show was inspired by the French books of Sylvie de Mathuisieulx and Sebastien Diologent that are about a 11 year-old kid that has adventures his his two friends. A 12 year-old child that is always conccocting plans. Angelo is a very intelligent boy, being able to make up many, many plans for everything that works in one way or another. They are always a challenge, but he and his friends always put things right. Angelo has a 15 year-old sister named Elena, and a 5 year-old brother named Peter. It has been implied that Angelo and his friend Lola have some kind of relationship. Proof is that whenever one of them is caught trying to impress another boy/girl, the other would interrupt.
Angelo Rules is a cartoon created by Cake Entertainment and Super RTL using 3D animation. Cartoon Network America made and premiered this show in 2010 on Cartoon Network. The show was inspired by the French books of Sylvie de Mathuisieulx and Sebastien Diologent that are about a 11 year-old kid that has adventures his his two friends. A 12 year-old child that is always conccocting plans. Angelo is a very intelligent boy, being able to make up many, many plans for everything that works in one way or another. They are always a challenge, but he and his friends always put things right. Angelo has a 15 year-old sister named Elena, and a 5 year-old brother named Peter. It has been implied that Angelo and his friend Lola have some kind of relationship. Proof is that whenever one of them is caught trying to impress another boy/girl, the other would interrupt.