Arthurs Gesetz
Jan Josef Liefers, Martina Gedeck, Nora Tschirner, David Bredin, Ronald Kukulies, Michael Klammer, Christina do Rego, Robert Gallinowski„Arthurs Gesetz“ ist eine schwarze Komödie über den Arbeitslosen Arthur Ahnepol (Jan Josef Liefers), der den finsteren Plan schmiedet, seine Gattin um die Ecke zu bringen, um mit dem Geld aus der Lebensversicherung ein neues Leben mit seiner Geliebten beginnen zu können. Arthur ist jedoch ein regelrechter Pechvogel, der sich mit jeder bestandenen Herausforderung nur noch mehr Ärger und Probleme aufhalst.
The unemployed Arthur Ahnepol, played by one of Germany's most popular actors Jan Josef Liefers ekes out a bleak existence. Drawn from the strains of his unhappy marriage and bored to death, he makes a morbid plan: He wants his obnoxious wife to die. With the money from the life insurance there's no obstacle for a restart with his beloved. But an unwritten law dominates the life of the unlucky fellow: Every problem solved by Arthur has a far worse effect. And so, he sets off an avalanche of disastrous events.
The unemployed Arthur Ahnepol, played by one of Germany's most popular actors Jan Josef Liefers ekes out a bleak existence. Drawn from the strains of his unhappy marriage and bored to death, he makes a morbid plan: He wants his obnoxious wife to die. With the money from the life insurance there's no obstacle for a restart with his beloved. But an unwritten law dominates the life of the unlucky fellow: Every problem solved by Arthur has a far worse effect. And so, he sets off an avalanche of disastrous events.