Astrologischer Leitfaden für gebrochene Herzen
Bindu De StoppaniSchauspieler:
Claudia Gusmano, Lorenzo Adorni, Michele RosielloDauersingle Alice hat die Hoffnung fast aufgegeben. Doch als sie einen charismatischen Astrologie-Guru kennenlernt, könnten ihr die Sterne die ewige Liebe bescheren.
An Astrological Guide for Broken Hearts centers on Alice Bassi, a single woman in her mid 30s, working as production assistant in a small television network. Alice finds a new way to gain love and success thanks to Tio, her personal "astrological guide for broken hearts".
An Astrological Guide for Broken Hearts centers on Alice Bassi, a single woman in her mid 30s, working as production assistant in a small television network. Alice finds a new way to gain love and success thanks to Tio, her personal "astrological guide for broken hearts".