Atlantic Crossing
Alexander EikSchauspieler:
Sofia Helin, Tobias Santelmann, Kyle MacLachlan, Harriet Sansom Harris, Daniel Betts, Søren Pilmark, Anneke von der Lippe, Lasse Kolsrud, Lucy Russell, Suzanne BertishNorwegen im Jahr 1940. Kronprinzessin Märtha (Sofia Helin) und ihre Kinder verlassen in einer dramatischen Flucht das Land vor der deutschen Besetzung und finden in den USA Unterschlupf im Weißen Haus. Mit Franklin D. Roosevelt (Kyle MacLachlan) verbindet sie schon bald eine enge Freundschaft. Jedoch macht sie sich auch innerhalb des Weißen Hauses nicht nur Freunde. Ihre Anwesenheit in Washington beeinflussen die Ansichten von Roosevelt über die dramatische Entwicklung in Europa während des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Märthas Versuche, den Präsidenten von dessen Neutralitätspolitik abzubringen, scheitern. Schließlich erkennt sie, dass sie das Volk auf ihre Seite bringen muss, um ihr Land vor den Nazis zu retten.
1940. Norway is occupied by Nazi Germany. Crown Princess Märtha and her children find shelter as political refugees in the White House. Her presence in Washington soon influences President Roosevelt's views on the tragic events unfolding in Europe and eventually changes the dynamics of U.S. politics significantly. What starts as an affair turns into love and turmoil when Märtha speaks out publicly against the Nazi tyranny. In an attempt to fight for her country, she puts her marriage at risk and convinces the President to support Norway – a first step in the struggle that will lead to the U.S. joining the War. However, Märtha's actions cause her to make many enemies, some of them even closer then she thinks: within the walls of the White House.
1940. Norway is occupied by Nazi Germany. Crown Princess Märtha and her children find shelter as political refugees in the White House. Her presence in Washington soon influences President Roosevelt's views on the tragic events unfolding in Europe and eventually changes the dynamics of U.S. politics significantly. What starts as an affair turns into love and turmoil when Märtha speaks out publicly against the Nazi tyranny. In an attempt to fight for her country, she puts her marriage at risk and convinces the President to support Norway – a first step in the struggle that will lead to the U.S. joining the War. However, Märtha's actions cause her to make many enemies, some of them even closer then she thinks: within the walls of the White House.