Bagdad nach dem Sturm
Stephen ButchardSchauspieler:
Waleed Zuaiter, July Namir, Clara Khoury, Bertie Carvel, Corey Stoll, Charlotte Spencer, Youssef Kerkour, Leem Lubany, Neil Maskell, Tawfeek BarhomBagdad im Jahr 2003: Nach dem Sturz Saddam Husseins versinkt das Land im Chaos. Gewalt und Ungewissheit sind an der Tagesordnung. Der irakische Ex-Polizist Muhsin al-Khafaji (Waleed Zuaiter) hat jedoch mit ganz eigenen Problemen zu kämpfen. Als seine älteste Tochter Sawsan eines Tages nicht nach Hause kommt, befürchtet er Schlimmes. Bei der Suche nach Hinweisen über ihren Verbleib macht Muhsin eine Entdeckung, die ihn ein größeres Komplott vermuten lässt. Ein Wettlauf gegen die Zeit beginnt und zwingt Muhsin al-Khafaji, riskante Entscheidungen zu treffen.
October 2003 and Baghdad has been occupied by American forces for six months; but the disbandment of the Iraqi army, the police and civil leadership in the aftermath of the invasion means there is no one in charge and no effective rule of law.In the midst of this chaos, crime and paranoia, Iraqi ex-policeman Muhsin al-Khafaji has lost everything and is battling daily to keep himself and his sick daughter, Mrouj, safe. But when he learns that his estranged elder daughter Sawsan is missing Khafaji is forced into a desperate search to find her.
October 2003 and Baghdad has been occupied by American forces for six months; but the disbandment of the Iraqi army, the police and civil leadership in the aftermath of the invasion means there is no one in charge and no effective rule of law.In the midst of this chaos, crime and paranoia, Iraqi ex-policeman Muhsin al-Khafaji has lost everything and is battling daily to keep himself and his sick daughter, Mrouj, safe. But when he learns that his estranged elder daughter Sawsan is missing Khafaji is forced into a desperate search to find her.