Ludger Pistor, Bruno Eyron, Jochen Horst, Dieter Pfaff, Armin Krug, Jürgen Elbers, Mathias Kniesbeck, Lars Pape, Sabine Vitua, Uwe RohdeHauptkommissar Balko ist ein Draufgänger und Frauenschwarm, der das Verbrechermilieu auch mal rüpelhaft aufmischt, um seine Mordfälle aufzuklären. Sein Partner bei der Dortmunder Polizei ist Hauptkommissar Krapp. Krapp ist das genaue Gegenteil von Balko: ein blasses Muttersöhnchen, das penibel seine Dienstvorschriften einhält.
Balko is a German prime time television series broadcast on the private TV channel RTL. It is a police detective story with comical twists featuring two inspectors of the Dortmund police, Balko and his colleague Klaus Krapp. Balko's main characteristics are his coolness and his consistently laid-back appearance, whereas “Krappi” is a typical mama’s boy and very clumsy. The series started in 1995 and has won several television awards.
Balko is a German prime time television series broadcast on the private TV channel RTL. It is a police detective story with comical twists featuring two inspectors of the Dortmund police, Balko and his colleague Klaus Krapp. Balko's main characteristics are his coolness and his consistently laid-back appearance, whereas “Krappi” is a typical mama’s boy and very clumsy. The series started in 1995 and has won several television awards.