Belgravia - Zeit des Schicksals
Julian FellowesSchauspieler:
Tamsin Greig, Philip Glenister, Harriet Walter, Alice Eve, Richard Goulding, Paul Ritter, Saskia Reeves, Tara Fitzgerald, Ella Purnell, Bronagh Gallagher, James Fleet, Adam James, Jack Bardoe, Tom Wilkinson, Diana Hardcastle, Nicholas Rowe1815, am Vorabend der berühmten Schlacht von Waterloo: Im heutigen Belgien veranstaltet die britische Herzogin von Richmond ein Fest für den Herzog von Wellington, der aus dieser Schlacht als Sieger gegen Naopleon hervorgehen wird. Die Folgen dieser Festlichkeit werden sich über Jahrzehnte erstrecken.
Zu den Gästen dieses Abends in Brüssel zählen auch James und Anne Trenchard, die vor kurzem Erfolg und Wohlstand als Händler gefunden haben. Ihre junge Tochter Sophia hat das Interesse von Edmund Bellasis geweckt, dem Erben einer der prominentesten und wohlhabendsten Familien in England.
25 Jahre später haben sich beide Familien in dem neu erschlossenen, Londoner Stadtteil Belgravia niedergelassen. Doch die Geschehnisse des damaligen Balls und dessen Geheimnisse lassen sie nicht los.
Belgravia is set in the 19th Century, around seventy years before Downton, when the upper echelons of society began to rub shoulders the emerging industrial nouveau riche. But the story begins on the eve of the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, when the Duchess of Richmond throws a party in Brussels for the Duke of Wellington. Among the guests are James and Anne Trenchard, who are living on the profits of newfound trading success. Their young daughter Sophia has caught the eye of Edmund Bellasis, the son and heir of one of the richest and most prominent families in England. Twenty-five years later, when the two families are settled into the newly developed area of Belgravia, the events of the ball, and the secrets, still resonate.
Belgravia is set in the 19th Century, around seventy years before Downton, when the upper echelons of society began to rub shoulders the emerging industrial nouveau riche. But the story begins on the eve of the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, when the Duchess of Richmond throws a party in Brussels for the Duke of Wellington. Among the guests are James and Anne Trenchard, who are living on the profits of newfound trading success. Their young daughter Sophia has caught the eye of Edmund Bellasis, the son and heir of one of the richest and most prominent families in England. Twenty-five years later, when the two families are settled into the newly developed area of Belgravia, the events of the ball, and the secrets, still resonate.