Berlin Station
Olen SteinhauerSchauspieler:
Rhys Ifans, Richard Jenkins, Richard Armitage, Michelle Forbes, Leland Orser, Tamlyn Tomita, Keke Palmer, Ashley Judd, John Doman„Berlin Station“ ist ein Spionagedrama von Michaël R. Roskam. Die Handlung führt den Kontaktoffizier Daniel Meyer (Richard Armitage) von Langley ins CIA-Büro in Berlin. Hier soll er in einer geheimen Mission die undichte Stelle ausfindig machen, die den Whistle-Blower Thomas Shaw mit Informationen versorgt hat. Dort trifft er auf die Leiterin des Büros, Valerie Edwards (Michelle Forbes), die keinen Spaß versteht.
Meyer wird damit beauftragt, die Quelle zu finden, durch die der berühmte Whistleblower Thomas Shaw an Informationen gelangen konnte. Angeleitet wird er dabei von dem erfahrenen Agenten Hector DeJean (Rhys Ifans).
Berlin Station is a contemporary spy series that follows Daniel Miller, an undercover agent who has just arrived at the CIA station in Berlin, Germany. Miller has a clandestine mission: to determine the identity of a now-famous whistleblower masquerading as "Thomas Shaw". Guided by jaded veteran Hector DeJean, Daniel learns to contend with the rough-and-tumble world of the field officer - agent-running, deception, danger and moral compromises. As he dives deeper into the German capital's hall of mirrors and uncovers the threads of a conspiracy that leads back to Washington, Daniel wonders: Can anyone ever be the same after a posting to Berlin?
Berlin Station is a contemporary spy series that follows Daniel Miller, an undercover agent who has just arrived at the CIA station in Berlin, Germany. Miller has a clandestine mission: to determine the identity of a now-famous whistleblower masquerading as "Thomas Shaw". Guided by jaded veteran Hector DeJean, Daniel learns to contend with the rough-and-tumble world of the field officer - agent-running, deception, danger and moral compromises. As he dives deeper into the German capital's hall of mirrors and uncovers the threads of a conspiracy that leads back to Washington, Daniel wonders: Can anyone ever be the same after a posting to Berlin?