Better Off Ted - Die Chaos AG
Victor FrescoSchauspieler:
Jay Harrington, Portia de Rossi, Malcolm Barrett, Jonathan Slavin, Andrea Anders, Isabella Acres„Better Off Ted“ handelt von Ted Crisp (Jay Harrington), dem Leiter der Forschungsabteilung eines mächtigen und gierigen Konzerns, Veridian Dynamics. Ted möchte nicht alles den Interessen des Unternehmens unterordnen - und versucht, so gut es geht, Mensch zu bleiben. Ihm zu Seite steht seine Kollegin Linda (Andrea Anders), für die er romantische Gefühle empfindet, welche er jedoch nicht ausleben will, weil sie doch zusammen arbeiten. Außerdem hatte er schon mal eine „Büroaffäre“, mit Veronica (Portia de Rossi), seiner unterkühlten, gnadenlos ehrgeizigen Chefin...
Unter sich hat Ted die beiden verrückten Forscher Lem (Malcolm Barrett) und Phil (Jonathan Slavin). Zu hause erwartet ihn seine Tochter Rose, denn Ted ist ein allein erziehender Vater.
Better Off Ted is a satirical office comedy about successful good guy, Ted Crisp, who runs research and development at Veridian Dynamics, a company with a morally questionable approach to its employees. Whether it's standing by a memo with a typo that encourages employees to now (as opposed to not) use offensive language with each other, to championing interoffice dating based on DNA matching to save money on health care, Veridian is a company that puts its bottom line first and employees last. Ted's a single dad to a seven year old girl, and he loves his job, but he's starting to take a closer look at the company's extremely dubious practices.
Better Off Ted is a satirical office comedy about successful good guy, Ted Crisp, who runs research and development at Veridian Dynamics, a company with a morally questionable approach to its employees. Whether it's standing by a memo with a typo that encourages employees to now (as opposed to not) use offensive language with each other, to championing interoffice dating based on DNA matching to save money on health care, Veridian is a company that puts its bottom line first and employees last. Ted's a single dad to a seven year old girl, and he loves his job, but he's starting to take a closer look at the company's extremely dubious practices.