Block B - Unter Arrest
Katrin Sass, Gisa Zach, Nina Hoger, Claudia Gaebel, Ulrike Röseberg, Marc Benjamin Puch, Krunoslav Sebrek, Winnie Böwe, Patricia Aulitzky„Block B – Unter Arrest“ ist die Geschichte von Bea Kröger (Gisa Zach), die des versuchten Totschlags an ihrem Mann angeklagt ist. Schon während der U-Haft in der JVA Tempelhof muss sie sich notgedrungen ihren Platz in der Rangordnung unter den Häftlingen erkämpfen. Als Neuzugang erlebt Bea – und mit ihr das Publikum – die Härten des Gefängnisalltags und erfährt am eigenen Leib, dass dort andere Regeln gelten als in der Welt draußen. Schneller als ihr lieb ist, muss Bea erkennen, dass der einzige Mensch, dem sie während der Haft trauen kann, allein sie selbst ist.
"Block B - Under Arrest" is the story of Bea Kroeger, who is charged with attempted murder of her husband. During the pre-trial detention in the prison Tempelhof they must fight for their place in the pecking order among the inmates perforce. As a rookie experienced Bea - and with it the audience - the hardships of prison life and learns the hard way that there are other rules apply as in the outside world. Faster than you would like, Bea must realize that the only person she can trust while in custody, but she herself is.
"Block B - Under Arrest" is the story of Bea Kroeger, who is charged with attempted murder of her husband. During the pre-trial detention in the prison Tempelhof they must fight for their place in the pecking order among the inmates perforce. As a rookie experienced Bea - and with it the audience - the hardships of prison life and learns the hard way that there are other rules apply as in the outside world. Faster than you would like, Bea must realize that the only person she can trust while in custody, but she herself is.