Sumire Morohoshi, Yoshimasa Hosoya, Maria Naganawa, Kaito Ishikawa, Gara Takashima, Michiyo Murase, Hiroshi Naka, Kimiko Saito, Yohei Tadano, Hochu Otsuka, Ami Maeshima, Takehito Koyasu, Hiroshi Yanaka, Kenji NomuraIm 21. Jahrhundert kam die Existenz von Tier-Menschen ans Licht. Michiru lebte ihr Leben als normaler Mensch, bis sie sich eines Tages plötzlich in einen Marderhund-Menschen verwandelte. Sie flüchtet und sucht Zuflucht in einem speziellen Stadtgebiet namens »Anima City«, das vor 10 Jahren für Tier-Menschen eingerichtet wurde. Dort trifft sie auf Shirou, einen Wolfsmenschen, der die Menschen hasst. Durch Shirou lernt Michiru die Sorgen, den Lebensstil und die Freuden der Tier-Menschen kennen. Als Michiru und Shirou versuchen zu erfahren, warum Michiru plötzlich zum Tier-Menschen wurde, werden sie unerwartet in einen großen Zwischenfall verwickelt.
The series is set in the 21st century, where the existence of humanoid animals that have been living in the darkness for centuries have been revealed to the world. One day, Michiru, who was a normal highschool student, suddenly turns into a tanuki person; running away, she seeks refuge in Anima City, a place set up for humanoid animals to be able to live as themselves. While there, Michiru encounters a wolf person, Shirou Ogami, who goes on to investigate why she became a humanoid animal, and in the process gets mixed up in even stranger events.
The series is set in the 21st century, where the existence of humanoid animals that have been living in the darkness for centuries have been revealed to the world. One day, Michiru, who was a normal highschool student, suddenly turns into a tanuki person; running away, she seeks refuge in Anima City, a place set up for humanoid animals to be able to live as themselves. While there, Michiru encounters a wolf person, Shirou Ogami, who goes on to investigate why she became a humanoid animal, and in the process gets mixed up in even stranger events.