Jed MercurioSchauspieler:
Richard Madden, Sophie Rundle, Vincent Franklin, Gina McKee, Pippa Haywood, Stuart Bowman, Ash Tandon, Nina Toussaint-White, Keeley HawesDie Thrillerserie „Bodyguard“ rückt die Arbeit der Abteilung Royal and Specialist Protection der Londoner Polizei in den Fokus, die unter anderem für die Sicherheit der königlichen Familie und des Premierministers zuständig ist. Angeführt wird das Team von einem heroischen aber unberechenbaren Golfkriegsveteran.
Keeley Hawes wird in die Rolle der kontroversen Innenministerin Julia Montague schlüpfen, die mit dem ehemaligen Soldaten David Budd (Richard Madden) einen neuen Personenschutz der Metropolitan Police zur Seite gestellt bekommt. Doch ihr Beschützer könnte sich bald als größte Gefahr für die Politikerin herausstellen.
Set in and around the corridors of power, Bodyguard tells the fictional story of David Budd, a heroic but volatile war veteran now working as a Specialist Protection Officer for the Royalty and Specialist Protection Branch (RaSP) of London's Metropolitan Police Service.When he is assigned to protect the ambitious and powerful Home Secretary Julia Montague, whose politics stand for everything he despises, Budd finds himself torn between his duty and his beliefs. Responsible for her safety, is he actually her biggest threat?
Set in and around the corridors of power, Bodyguard tells the fictional story of David Budd, a heroic but volatile war veteran now working as a Specialist Protection Officer for the Royalty and Specialist Protection Branch (RaSP) of London's Metropolitan Police Service.When he is assigned to protect the ambitious and powerful Home Secretary Julia Montague, whose politics stand for everything he despises, Budd finds himself torn between his duty and his beliefs. Responsible for her safety, is he actually her biggest threat?