Bunsen ist ein Biest
Butch HartmanSchauspieler:
Jeremy Rowley, Ben Giroux, Kari WahlgrenDie US-Animationsserie erzählt die Geschichte des Schülers Mikey Munroe, der sich mit einem monstermäßigen Biest namens Bunsen anfreundet. Da es sich um das erste Biest seiner Art handelt, das an einer Menschen-Schule anfängt, gibt es jede Menge Dinge, die Bunsen von seinem neuen Freund Mikey lernen kann.
Auf der anderen Seite lernt Mikey die bizarre Welt der Biester kennen, in der es weit mehr Spaß als Schrecken zu entdecken gibt.
Neben den Herausforderungen des schulischen Unterrichts müssen sich die beiden Freunde aber auch noch mit Amanda Killman herumschlagen. Denn das bösartige Mädchen lässt keine Gelegenheit aus, Mikey und Bunsen mit Gemeinheiten zu drangsalieren.
Say, "hello" to Bunsen - the new beast in school... well, he's MORE than just the new beast. He's the FIRST beast in an all-HUMAN school. Bunsen is the world's first beast ambassador, and while he's at Muckledunk Middle School, he'll show everyone that beasts and humans are not so different! With help with his new human BFF Mikey Munroe, Bunsen will learn exactly how to survive in the human world... like how to do homework, how to eat in a cafeteria, how to not let his Sneeze Beasts run wild - you know, the basics! Bunsen is curious to know everything about humankind, and with Mikey by his side they'll show the world that beasts and humans can live together side by side. Just don't feed Bunsen any beets... he'll go crazy and try to eat you. This is your final warning.
Say, "hello" to Bunsen - the new beast in school... well, he's MORE than just the new beast. He's the FIRST beast in an all-HUMAN school. Bunsen is the world's first beast ambassador, and while he's at Muckledunk Middle School, he'll show everyone that beasts and humans are not so different! With help with his new human BFF Mikey Munroe, Bunsen will learn exactly how to survive in the human world... like how to do homework, how to eat in a cafeteria, how to not let his Sneeze Beasts run wild - you know, the basics! Bunsen is curious to know everything about humankind, and with Mikey by his side they'll show the world that beasts and humans can live together side by side. Just don't feed Bunsen any beets... he'll go crazy and try to eat you. This is your final warning.