Burden of Truth
Brad SimpsonSchauspieler:
Kristin Kreuk, Peter Mooney, Star Slade, Meegwun Fairbrother, Nicola Correia-Damude, Anwen O'Driscoll, Paul Braunstein, Sara Thompson, Jessica Matten, Trish Fagan, David Lawrence Brown, Alex Carter, Ben Ayres, Rebecca Gibson, Andrew Chown, Sera-Lys McArthurDie erfolgreiche Anwältin Joanna Hanley (Kristin Kreuk) stammt aus der kanadischen Provinz, hat aber mittlerweile eine vielversprechende Karriere in einer Anwaltskanzlei in einer Großstadt begonnen. Von dort wird sie für einen Fall in ihrer ländlichen Heimat Millwood entsandt: Mehrere erkrankte Mädchen haben ein Industrieunternehmen verklagt, weil sie glauben, durch dessen Handeln erkrankt zu sein.
Hanley gewinnt den Fall für das Industrieunternehmen mit Leichtigkeit – nur um festzustellen, dass die Mädchen noch deutlich schlimmer dran sind, als bisher offenbar war. Sie entwickeln unwillkürliche Zuckungen bis hin zu epileptischen Anfällen. Joanna erkennt, dass die Mädchen jemanden mit Erfahrung brauchen, der sich für sie einsetzt. Und sie erkennt, dass sie selbst noch offene Wunden aus ihrer Jugend trägt, um die sie sich nur in ihrer Heimatstadt kümmern kann. So kehrt sie zurück.
Burden of Truth is an investigative drama about life-altering legal cases. Fast-rising corporate attorney Joanna Hanley returns to her small hometown of Millwood - a prairie town with an industrial past and uncertain future - to represent a major client in a case against some sick high school girls. She dispatches her case quickly and efficiently, crushing the girls and their small-town lawyer - her former high school classmate Billy Crawford. After winning her case, she discovers the girls are sicker than anyone thought. Otherwise healthy young women have been overcome with uncontrollable twitches and seizures, making life unlivable. They need help. Joanna also realizes she may have unresolved personal business in town. Even though she's a successful partner in a big law firm, she can't ignore the feeling that something in her life is not right. She becomes convinced all the answers she's seeking about her broken life can be found in her old hometown. And if she's going to fix herself, she has to start where it all began - with uncovering all of her family's deepest secrets.
Burden of Truth is an investigative drama about life-altering legal cases. Fast-rising corporate attorney Joanna Hanley returns to her small hometown of Millwood - a prairie town with an industrial past and uncertain future - to represent a major client in a case against some sick high school girls. She dispatches her case quickly and efficiently, crushing the girls and their small-town lawyer - her former high school classmate Billy Crawford. After winning her case, she discovers the girls are sicker than anyone thought. Otherwise healthy young women have been overcome with uncontrollable twitches and seizures, making life unlivable. They need help. Joanna also realizes she may have unresolved personal business in town. Even though she's a successful partner in a big law firm, she can't ignore the feeling that something in her life is not right. She becomes convinced all the answers she's seeking about her broken life can be found in her old hometown. And if she's going to fix herself, she has to start where it all began - with uncovering all of her family's deepest secrets.