Burn Notice
Matt NixSchauspieler:
Bruce Campbell, Jeffrey Donovan, Gabrielle Anwar, Sharon Gless, Coby BellIn der Serie Burn Notice geht es um den CIA-Agenten Michael Westen, der von seinem Arbeitgeber, der amerikanischen Regierung, fallen gelassen wird und sich jetzt in Miami als Problemlöser und Privatdetektiv verdingt.
Als Michael Westens Identität als Spion der amerikanischen Regierung auffliegt, kann er sich gerade so in eine Maschine nach Miami retten. Dort wird er von Fiona, einer Ex-Freundin und Waffenschmuglerin der IRA empfangen. Nach kurzer Zeit findet auch Sam, ein ehemaliger Mitarbeiter der CIA seinen Weg zu Michael.
My name is Michael Westen. I used to be a spy. Until I got a burn notice, I was blacklisted. When you're burned, you've got nothing: no cash, no credit, no job history. You're stuck in whatever city they decide to dump you in. Miami. You do whatever work comes your way. You rely on anyone who's still talking to you. A trigger-happy ex-girlfriend... An old friend who used to inform on you to the FBI... Family too... if you're desperate... Bottom line? Until you figure out who burned you... you're not going anywhere.
My name is Michael Westen. I used to be a spy. Until I got a burn notice, I was blacklisted. When you're burned, you've got nothing: no cash, no credit, no job history. You're stuck in whatever city they decide to dump you in. Miami. You do whatever work comes your way. You rely on anyone who's still talking to you. A trigger-happy ex-girlfriend... An old friend who used to inform on you to the FBI... Family too... if you're desperate... Bottom line? Until you figure out who burned you... you're not going anywhere.