Tony MarchantSchauspieler:
Emmett J. Scanlan, Anna Friel, Alison Steadman, Sean McGinley, Callum Booth-FordVicky (Anna Friel) und Stephen (Emmett J. Scanlan) sind getrennt, doch die Anziehung zwischen den beiden ist noch immer zu spüren. Stephen gibt sein Bestes, seinem Job als Wochenend-Dad gerecht zu werden. Der 11-jährige Max (Callum Booth-Ford) genießt die Zeit mit seinem Vater, doch eigentlich fühlt er sich im falschen Körper geboren. Seine weibliche Identität versucht er im Kampf um die Anerkennung seines Vaters zu unterdrücken. Bis Schwester Lily ihn ermutigt, fortan als Maxine zu leben.
Butterfly is a heartfelt and sensitive drama about the complex relationship between separated parents, Vicky and Stephen, and their division in opinion over how to support their youngest child, Max. From a young age, Max has identified as a girl but has tried to suppress these feelings in an attempt to earn Stephen's approval. When Max's feelings become increasingly distressing, Stephen seizes the opportunity to return to live at the family home, hoping to encourage male bonding and prove himself to Vicky. What unfolds is the greatest challenge and test of love and understanding imaginable. The social transitioning of Max to Maxine is initially thwarted because of the clear division of opinion between Vicky and Stephen.
Butterfly is a heartfelt and sensitive drama about the complex relationship between separated parents, Vicky and Stephen, and their division in opinion over how to support their youngest child, Max. From a young age, Max has identified as a girl but has tried to suppress these feelings in an attempt to earn Stephen's approval. When Max's feelings become increasingly distressing, Stephen seizes the opportunity to return to live at the family home, hoping to encourage male bonding and prove himself to Vicky. What unfolds is the greatest challenge and test of love and understanding imaginable. The social transitioning of Max to Maxine is initially thwarted because of the clear division of opinion between Vicky and Stephen.