Catherine the Great
Helen Mirren, Joseph Quinn, Kevin McNally, Clive Russell, Gina McKee, Jason Clarke, Rory Kinnear, Richard Roxburgh, Paul Ritter, Paul KayeDie Miniserie „Catherine the Great“ handelt von Katharina der Großen (Helen Mirren), Kaiserin von Russland, am Ende ihrer Herrschaft, und beleuchtet ihre Affäre mit dem russischen Fürsten Grigori Potjomkin. Zwischen Skandalen, Intrigen und überwältigenden Konflikten entspinnt sich eine obsessive Liebesgeschichte. Unfähig, öffentlich zu heiraten, und berühmt für ihre Promiskuität, entwickeln sie eine einzigartige und hingebungsvolle Beziehung, wobei sie ihre Widersacher überwinden und die Grundzüge des heutigen Russlands formen.
Katharina die Große gilt als mächtigste Monarchin der Geschichte. Beinahe ein halbes Jahrhundert lang verfügte sie über eine sagenhafte Machtfülle. Unabhängig, außergewöhnlich intelligent und sexuell befreit, galt sie damals als Definition der modernen Frau.
Catherine the Great delves into the politically tumultuous and sexually charged court of the most powerful female monarch in history. Catherine wielded supreme power throughout Russia for nearly half of the 18th century – strong-minded, independent, brilliantly intelligent and sexually liberated, she was the definition of the modern woman.The miniseries will follow Catherine towards the end of her reign and her passionate affair with Grigory Potemkin. Amid scandal, intrigue and immense conflict, this is a story of obsessive love. Unable to publicly marry and famously promiscuous, they develop a unique and devoted relationship, overcoming their adversaries and together shaping Russia as we know it today.
Catherine the Great delves into the politically tumultuous and sexually charged court of the most powerful female monarch in history. Catherine wielded supreme power throughout Russia for nearly half of the 18th century – strong-minded, independent, brilliantly intelligent and sexually liberated, she was the definition of the modern woman.The miniseries will follow Catherine towards the end of her reign and her passionate affair with Grigory Potemkin. Amid scandal, intrigue and immense conflict, this is a story of obsessive love. Unable to publicly marry and famously promiscuous, they develop a unique and devoted relationship, overcoming their adversaries and together shaping Russia as we know it today.