Constance M. BurgeSchauspieler:
Melonie Diaz, Madeleine Mantock, Sarah Jeffery, Rupert Evans, Ser'Darius Blain, Ellen Tamaki, Nick HargroveDie Mysteryserie Charmed wird als „Charmed (2018)“ neuaufgelegt. Im Zentrum des Reboots stehen drei Schwestern, die in dem kleinen Collegestädtchen Hilltowne nach dem Tod ihrer Mutter entdecken, dass sie über magische Kräfte verfügen. Zwischen der Bekämpfung böser Dämonen sowie des Patriarchats und der Aufrechterhaltung stabiler zwischenmenschlicher Beziehungen bleibt den Hexen kaum Zeit zum Durchatmen. Ein echter Fulltimejob.
Sarah Jeffery wird die jüngste Schwester namens Madison spielen und quasi in Phoebes Fußstapfen treten. Melonie Diaz wird als Madisons ältere Schwester Mel mit von der Partie sein, während Ser'Darius Blain als Freund der dritten Schwester Macy gecastet wurde. Macy wird wiederum von Madeleine Mantock gespielt.
Mel and Maggie Vera suffer a shock when their mother dies suddenly, but before they have time to heal from their loss, another surprise shows up on their doorstep in the shape of an older sister -- brilliant geneticist Macy -- whom their mother never told them existed. The emotional stress takes its toll and the girls begin to exhibit impossible new abilities. An explanation comes from an unexpected place: the new chair of the women's studies department. Harry Greenwood reveals that the three are powerful witches, and he is their whitelighter, there to advise and guide them as they battle dark forces.
Mel and Maggie Vera suffer a shock when their mother dies suddenly, but before they have time to heal from their loss, another surprise shows up on their doorstep in the shape of an older sister -- brilliant geneticist Macy -- whom their mother never told them existed. The emotional stress takes its toll and the girls begin to exhibit impossible new abilities. An explanation comes from an unexpected place: the new chair of the women's studies department. Harry Greenwood reveals that the three are powerful witches, and he is their whitelighter, there to advise and guide them as they battle dark forces.