Chasing Life
Susanna Fogel, Joni Lefkowitz, Ricardo Álvarez CanalesSchauspieler:
Haley Ramm, Italia Ricci, Aisha Dee, Mary Page Keller, Richard Brancatisano, Abhi Sinha, Vondie Curtis-Hall, Scott Michael FosterChasing Life handelt von April (Italia Ricci), einer ehrgeizigen jungen Journalistin. Sie muss versuchen, ihre Karriereziele mit einer nervenaufreibenden Familie zu vereinbaren. Diese umfasst neben Aprils verwitweter Mutter Sara (Mary Page Keller) ihre rebellische jüngere Schwester Brenna (Haley Ramm) sowie die Großmutter der Mädchen. Als sich die Dinge in Beruf und Familie zum Besseren gewendet zu haben scheinen und auch mit Kollege Dominic (Richard Brancatisano) eine Romanze in Aussicht steht, kommt der Schicksalsschlag: Ein der Familie entfremdeter Onkel eröffnet ihr, dass sie Krebs hat.
April is a smart, charismatic and quick witted twenty-something aspiring journalist. When not pursuing the latest scoop, April tries to balance her ambitious career with her family, which includes her widowed mom Sara rebellious little sister Brenna and her grandmother We meet April at a pivotal moment in her life: she's landed a fantastic opportunity to impress her hard-nosed Boston newspaper editor and an office romance with her super-sexy co-worker Dominic is just beginning to blossom. In an unexpected twist of fate, April lands in the hospital where her estranged uncle, George works as an oncologist, and she learns the devastating news that she has cancer. The series follows April through her journey in the face of this daunting revelation, during a time in her life when the challenges of finding love and success would be enough to keep any girl occupied. But April is determined to fight and refuses to give up her dreams and goals. Along the way, she'll find new reserves of strength and passion within and discover that facing death may really be the only way to truly live.
April is a smart, charismatic and quick witted twenty-something aspiring journalist. When not pursuing the latest scoop, April tries to balance her ambitious career with her family, which includes her widowed mom Sara rebellious little sister Brenna and her grandmother We meet April at a pivotal moment in her life: she's landed a fantastic opportunity to impress her hard-nosed Boston newspaper editor and an office romance with her super-sexy co-worker Dominic is just beginning to blossom. In an unexpected twist of fate, April lands in the hospital where her estranged uncle, George works as an oncologist, and she learns the devastating news that she has cancer. The series follows April through her journey in the face of this daunting revelation, during a time in her life when the challenges of finding love and success would be enough to keep any girl occupied. But April is determined to fight and refuses to give up her dreams and goals. Along the way, she'll find new reserves of strength and passion within and discover that facing death may really be the only way to truly live.