Carlton Cuse, Ryan J. CondalSchauspieler:
Josh Holloway, Sarah Wayne Callies, Peter Jacobson, Isabella Crovetti-Cramp, Alex Neustaedter, Tory Kittles, Amanda RighettiColony von Carton Cuse und Ryan Condal ist eine im zukünftigen Los Angeles angesiedelte Science-Fiction-Serie. Darin werden die Menschen von außerirdischen Invasoren unterdrückt. Während einige sich mit der neuen Ordnung abgefunden haben, rebellieren andere gegen die Aliens. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf einer Familie, die von dieser Situation auseinandergerissen wird.
Josh Holloway („Lost“, „Intelligence“) schlüpft in die Rolle von Will Bowman, der früher einmal beim FBI war. Um seine Familie zu beschützen, tut er sich mit der Regierung zusammen, um die wachsende Rebellion zu stoppen. Außerdem wird es zur Herausforderung für ihn seine Familie in einer Welt zusammenzuhalten, die sich nicht mehr in Menschenhand befindet. Seine Frau Katie, mit der er drei Kinder hat, wird von Sarah Wayne Callies („The Walking Dead“) gespielt.
Colony is a naturalistic drama about a family that's torn by opposing forces and makes difficult decisions as its members balance staying together with surviving the struggle of the human race. Set in the near future, the story takes place in Los Angeles, which exists in a state of occupation by a force of outside intruders. Some people choose to collaborate with the authorities and benefit from the new order, while others rebel and suffer the consequences. Josh Holloway stars in Colony as Will Bowman a former FBI agent who — in a bid to protect his family — is forced to collaborate with the occupational government to bring down the growing resistance movement inside the L.A. colony. Sarah Wayne Callies co-stars as Katie Bowman, Will's wife and a mother of three who struggles daily to keep her family safe and united in an occupied Los Angeles.
Colony is a naturalistic drama about a family that's torn by opposing forces and makes difficult decisions as its members balance staying together with surviving the struggle of the human race. Set in the near future, the story takes place in Los Angeles, which exists in a state of occupation by a force of outside intruders. Some people choose to collaborate with the authorities and benefit from the new order, while others rebel and suffer the consequences. Josh Holloway stars in Colony as Will Bowman a former FBI agent who — in a bid to protect his family — is forced to collaborate with the occupational government to bring down the growing resistance movement inside the L.A. colony. Sarah Wayne Callies co-stars as Katie Bowman, Will's wife and a mother of three who struggles daily to keep her family safe and united in an occupied Los Angeles.