Combat Dealers
Bruce CromptonSelfmade-Millionär Bruce Crompton besitzt die wohl größte private Sammlung an militärischem Equipment in ganz Großbritannien. Die Reportagereihe begleitet den in Suffolk ansässigen Exzentriker bei seinen Reisen durch Europa und den Rest der Welt, um alte Panzer und anderes Kriegsgerät aufzustöbern und zu erwerben, anschließend zu restaurieren und gegebenenfalls auch wieder zu verkaufen. So zählen nicht nur russische Oligarchen zu seinen besten Kunden: auch Hollywood fragte schon an, um sich bestimmte Objekte für historische Filme auszuleihen.
Larger than life Bruce Crompton buys, fixes up and sells World War 2 military kit. Always on the pursuit of a profit, Bruce and his small army of experts travel the world in search of rare artefacts and objects they can restore and resell. From the battlefields of Australia to the Philippines to Finland, Bruce digs for military treasure and in turn unearths the fascinating and sometimes disturbing history of the global conflict that was WW2.With ‘money man' Hus by his side, Bruce haggles hard on every deal, buying wartime tanks, trucks, trailers and even toilet paper if he thinks he can sell it on! Bruce's farm in Sussex is the hub of the operation where the mechanical genius of twins Nick and Phil and ex-Para Freddy turn Bruce's rusty relics back into the military machines they were over 70 years ago.It's not just Bruce's passion for military memorabilia that drives them on – the team have a large client list on the hunt for that elusive find, including Hollywood royalty. Over the years, Bruce has supplied his specialist vehicles for film projects such as Saving Private Ryan, and more recently, the Brad Pitt movie, Fury.He's off in search of valuable wartime artefacts – from every war and every part of the world.
Larger than life Bruce Crompton buys, fixes up and sells World War 2 military kit. Always on the pursuit of a profit, Bruce and his small army of experts travel the world in search of rare artefacts and objects they can restore and resell. From the battlefields of Australia to the Philippines to Finland, Bruce digs for military treasure and in turn unearths the fascinating and sometimes disturbing history of the global conflict that was WW2.With ‘money man' Hus by his side, Bruce haggles hard on every deal, buying wartime tanks, trucks, trailers and even toilet paper if he thinks he can sell it on! Bruce's farm in Sussex is the hub of the operation where the mechanical genius of twins Nick and Phil and ex-Para Freddy turn Bruce's rusty relics back into the military machines they were over 70 years ago.It's not just Bruce's passion for military memorabilia that drives them on – the team have a large client list on the hunt for that elusive find, including Hollywood royalty. Over the years, Bruce has supplied his specialist vehicles for film projects such as Saving Private Ryan, and more recently, the Brad Pitt movie, Fury.He's off in search of valuable wartime artefacts – from every war and every part of the world.