Matt NixSchauspieler:
Lauren Stamile, Jessica Szohr, Beth Riesgraf, Jason O'Mara, Chris Chalk, RonReaco LeeJason O'Mara spielt in „Complications“ den in einer kleinen Midlife- und Lebenskrise steckenden Arzt John Ellis, dessen Arbeit in einer Notaufnahme im Samaritan Hospital und der Verlust einer Tochter an den Krebs ihm den Optimismus genommen hat. Als er in ein Drive-by-Shooting gerät, gelingt es ihm nicht nur, das Opfer - einen Jungen - zu retten, sondern auch einen der Täter zu töten. Als Ellis danach feststellt, dass der gerettete Junge weiterhin auf jemandes Abschussliste steht kann der Arzt nicht anders, als alles zu tun, um ihm zu helfen. Das verändert auch seinen Blick auf das Eigene Leben und seine Berufung als Mediziner.
Complications centers on disillusioned suburban doctor John Ellison who, while still dealing with the emotional effects of his daughter's death, unexpectedly becomes a vigilante hero when he intervenes in a drive-by shooting, saving a young boy's life. When John learns the boy is still marked for death, he's compelled to save him at any cost. Through this journey, he must compromise his morals, often doing the wrong thing for all the right reasons.The series also features Gretchen, a reckless but capable nurse; John's wife, Samantha, who while attempting to support her husband is struggling with her own issues; and John's by-the-book coworker, Dr. Bridget O'Neill, who finds herself dealing with the aftermath of his actions.
Complications centers on disillusioned suburban doctor John Ellison who, while still dealing with the emotional effects of his daughter's death, unexpectedly becomes a vigilante hero when he intervenes in a drive-by shooting, saving a young boy's life. When John learns the boy is still marked for death, he's compelled to save him at any cost. Through this journey, he must compromise his morals, often doing the wrong thing for all the right reasons.The series also features Gretchen, a reckless but capable nurse; John's wife, Samantha, who while attempting to support her husband is struggling with her own issues; and John's by-the-book coworker, Dr. Bridget O'Neill, who finds herself dealing with the aftermath of his actions.