Rand RavichSchauspieler:
Dermot Mulroney, Stevie Lynn Jones, Max Schneider, Lance Gross, Rachael Taylor, Michael Beach, Halston Sage, Max Martini, Gillian Anderson, James Lafferty, Joshua ErenbergIn dem Verschwörungsthriller „Crisis“, der vom Autoren und Executive Producer Rand Ravich erdacht wurde, geht es um einen ungewöhnlichen Strippenzieher, der sämtliche amerikanische Führungsfiguren in die Knie zwingen kann, indem er diejenigen bedroht, die ihnen am nächsten stehen.
In der Serie steht Marcus Finley (Lance Gross) im Mittelpunkt. Dieser ist ein idealistischer Secret-Service-Agent, der sich jedoch bald im Epizentrum einer internationalen Krise wiederfindet. Er wird nämlich beauftragt, den Sohn des Präsidenten zu beschützen, doch dieser und einige seiner Schulkameraden werden an seinem ersten Arbeitstag entführt.
Neben den entführten Teenagern stehen noch deren Lehrer, ein die Schulklasse begleitender Vater, die Entführer im Zentrum sowie eine weitere Mutter (Gillian Anderson) und deren entfremdete Schwester, die für das FBI arbeitet.
It's field trip day for the students of Ballard High School, a place that educates the children of Washington, D.C.'s elite, top-of-their-industry CEOs, international diplomats, political power players and even the president's son. But when their bus is ambushed on a secluded rural road, the teenagers and their chaperones are taken, igniting a national crisis. Now with some of the country's most powerful parents at the mercy of one vengeful mastermind, the question arises: How far would you go and what would you become to ensure your child's safe return? With so many parents and dignitaries put into play with nowhere to turn and no one to trust, this unthinkable scenario grows from the select families at risk to an entire nation at stake.
It's field trip day for the students of Ballard High School, a place that educates the children of Washington, D.C.'s elite, top-of-their-industry CEOs, international diplomats, political power players and even the president's son. But when their bus is ambushed on a secluded rural road, the teenagers and their chaperones are taken, igniting a national crisis. Now with some of the country's most powerful parents at the mercy of one vengeful mastermind, the question arises: How far would you go and what would you become to ensure your child's safe return? With so many parents and dignitaries put into play with nowhere to turn and no one to trust, this unthinkable scenario grows from the select families at risk to an entire nation at stake.