Mia Maestro, Tongayi Chirisa, Anna Walton, Philip Winchester, Sam NeillVor sechs Jahren floh Robinson Crusoe (Philip Winchester) aus England. Zu Unrecht der Rebellion gegen die Krone bezichtigt, schloss er sich einer Expedition in die Neue Welt an – und strandete auf einer einsamen Insel. Der Eingeborene Freitag (Tongayi Chirisa), dem er einst das Leben rettete, ist sein einziger Verbündeter im Kampf gegen Piraten, feindliche Spanier, Meuterer und Kannibalen. Die beiden ungleichen Gestrandeten sind im Laufe der Jahre gegen alle Konvention Freunde geworden. Gemeinsam bezwingen sie Angreifer und die unwirtliche Insel – auch dank Crusoes Geschick bei der Konstruktion von Waffen, Fallen oder Seilbahnen überall auf der Insel. Vor allem hält Crusoe aber eines am Leben: die Hoffnung, eines Tages zu seiner Familie nach England zurückzukehren und seine große Liebe Susannah (Anna Walton) und seine zwei Kinder zu retten.
After exhausting all of his business ventures in London, Crusoe is forced to leave his family and travel to the new world in hopes of getting out his impending debt. After almost being killed by an assassin on the ship, Crusoe awakens to find himself stranded on a deserted island. Crusoe then saves a native man from the jaws of cannibals and makes a friend for life. Crusoe and his faithful friend Friday then struggle to survive on a deserted island with a little more than their wits. They must overcome marauding militias, hungry cannibals, pirates and starvation, Crusoe dreams of the day he will be reunited with his beloved family. Crusoe constantly is reminded of his wife Susannah and children left behind in England and their love story will unfold from meeting to marriage, as will his relationship with his mentor and patron, the mysterious Jeremiah Blackthorn.
After exhausting all of his business ventures in London, Crusoe is forced to leave his family and travel to the new world in hopes of getting out his impending debt. After almost being killed by an assassin on the ship, Crusoe awakens to find himself stranded on a deserted island. Crusoe then saves a native man from the jaws of cannibals and makes a friend for life. Crusoe and his faithful friend Friday then struggle to survive on a deserted island with a little more than their wits. They must overcome marauding militias, hungry cannibals, pirates and starvation, Crusoe dreams of the day he will be reunited with his beloved family. Crusoe constantly is reminded of his wife Susannah and children left behind in England and their love story will unfold from meeting to marriage, as will his relationship with his mentor and patron, the mysterious Jeremiah Blackthorn.