CSI: Miami
Anthony E. Zuiker, Carol Mendelsohn, Ann DonahueSchauspieler:
David Caruso, Emily Procter, Adam Rodriguez, Rex Linn, Jonathan Togo, Khandi Alexander, Rory Cochrane, Omar Benson Miller, Eva LaRue, Sofia Milos, Eddie Cibrian, Kim Delaney, Megalyn EchikunwokeBombenexperte Horatio Caine (David Caruso) ist der Leiter des CSI-Teams in Miami. Zu seinen besonderen Merkmalen gehören sein fotografisches Gedächtnis und sein trockener Charme.
An Caines Seite ermitteln die Ballistikerin und Waffenexpertin Calleigh Duquesne (Emely Procter) und der Bücherwurm Tim Speedle (Rory Cochrane, Nur Staffel 1-3), der die Straßen von Miami kennt wie seine eigene Westentasche.
Dazu kommen die DNA-Spezialistin Alexx Woods (Khandi Alexander) und der Tauchexperte Eric Delko (Adam Rodriguez), der die Wasserwege Floridas im Schlaf abtauchen könnte.
Diese fünf Ermittler decken mit modernsten Methoden auf, was sich allein vor den Augen von Tätern und Opfern abgespielt hat - immer getreu nach dem Motto: Menschen können Lügen, Beweise nicht!
CSI: Miami is a drama that follows a South Florida team of forensic investigators who use both cutting-edge scientific methods and old-fashioned police work to solve crimes. Horatio Caine, a former homicide detective, heads a group of investigators who work crimes amid the steamy tropical surroundings and cultural crossroads of Miami. His team includes Calleigh Duquesne, a bilingual Southern beauty with a specialty in ballistics; Eric Delko, an underwater recovery expert who knows all the twists and turns of the Florida waterways, and Ryan Wolfe, a former patrol officer who specializes in blood and trace evidence. Rounding out the team is Alexx Woods, the no-nonsense know-it-all coroner, and Natalia Boa Vista, the enigmatic DNA specialist. Helping Horatio with cases is Det. Frank Tripp, a tough yet thorough police officer. Together, these investigators collect and analyze the evidence to solve the crimes and to avenge those who cannot speak for themselves--the victims.
CSI: Miami is a drama that follows a South Florida team of forensic investigators who use both cutting-edge scientific methods and old-fashioned police work to solve crimes. Horatio Caine, a former homicide detective, heads a group of investigators who work crimes amid the steamy tropical surroundings and cultural crossroads of Miami. His team includes Calleigh Duquesne, a bilingual Southern beauty with a specialty in ballistics; Eric Delko, an underwater recovery expert who knows all the twists and turns of the Florida waterways, and Ryan Wolfe, a former patrol officer who specializes in blood and trace evidence. Rounding out the team is Alexx Woods, the no-nonsense know-it-all coroner, and Natalia Boa Vista, the enigmatic DNA specialist. Helping Horatio with cases is Det. Frank Tripp, a tough yet thorough police officer. Together, these investigators collect and analyze the evidence to solve the crimes and to avenge those who cannot speak for themselves--the victims.