Danni Lowinski
Marc TerjungSchauspieler:
Elyas M'Barek, Sebastian Bezzel, Axel Siefer, Oliver Fleischer, Nadja Becker, Alexandra Von Schwerin, Annette Frier, Jan SosniokDie gelernte Friseurin Danni Lowinski arbeitet als Anwältin. Aber statt in einer Kanzlei empfängt sie ihre Mandanten an einem Klapptisch in einer Einkaufspassage. Zwischen Parkhauslift und Schlüsseldienst bietet sie Rechtsberatung für einen Euro pro Minute an. Zu ihren Mandanten gehören zum Beispiel eine philippinische Putzfrau, die nach fünf Jahren Schwarzarbeit mit 500 Euro abgespeist werden soll oder eine Prostituierte aus Kasachstan, die Probleme mit ihrer Aufenthaltserlaubnis hat. Mit Durchsetzungsvermögen und Improvisationstalent vertritt sie die "kleinen Leute" vor Gericht.
Daniela „Danni" Lowinski is a trained hairdresser who received her qualification for college doing evening classes and then managed to major in law successfully. After graduating, she wants to work as lawyer but no lawyer's office is willing to employ her. In sheer desperation she has the idea to lease space in a mall where a simple table and two chairs form a small helpdesk. The helpdesk offers people the opportunity to have Danni deal with their legal matters for just one Euro per minute. Of course this leads to Danni attracting rather unusual clients, whose problems she solves in an equally unusual manner. She is assisted by her best friend Bea Flohe and the people in the adjacent stores, Persian locksmith Rasoul and Nils, a massage therapist, as well as Dr. Oliver Schmidt, a fellow attorney who works in a lawyer's office located in the mall. In her private life, Danni has to deal
Daniela „Danni" Lowinski is a trained hairdresser who received her qualification for college doing evening classes and then managed to major in law successfully. After graduating, she wants to work as lawyer but no lawyer's office is willing to employ her. In sheer desperation she has the idea to lease space in a mall where a simple table and two chairs form a small helpdesk. The helpdesk offers people the opportunity to have Danni deal with their legal matters for just one Euro per minute. Of course this leads to Danni attracting rather unusual clients, whose problems she solves in an equally unusual manner. She is assisted by her best friend Bea Flohe and the people in the adjacent stores, Persian locksmith Rasoul and Nils, a massage therapist, as well as Dr. Oliver Schmidt, a fellow attorney who works in a lawyer's office located in the mall. In her private life, Danni has to deal