Das Geheimnis der Hunters
Melle Runderkamp, Reint ScholvinckSchauspieler:
Kyra Smith, Daan Creyghton, Kate Bensdorp, Eliyha Altena, Sarah Nauta, Stony Blyden, MaeMae Renfrow, Thomas Jansen, Wilson Radjou-PujalteFünf Pflegekinder aus Amsterdam versuchen herauszufinden, was mit ihren verschwundenen Pflegeeltern passiert ist. Max (Stony Blyden) ist der jüngste Neuzugang in der Pflegefamilie Hunter. Nachdem er seine erste Nacht in seinem neuen Zuhause verbracht hat, sind die Pflegeeltern Erik und Kate spurlos verschwunden. Zusammen mit seinen neuen Geschwistern Tess (MaeMae Renfrow), Anika (Kyra Smith), Sal (Daan Creyghton) und Daniel (Thomas Jansen) macht er sich auf die Suche nach Hinweisen, wo sie sein könnten.
Ihre Spurensuche führt die fünf Geschwister in ein spannendes Familienabenteuer, inklusive Bootsrennen durch Kanäle und der Erkundung von geheimen Tunneln – sogar auf verborgene Schätze stoßen sie. Darüber hinaus müssen sie einigen Hindernissen ausweichen und alte Familienrivalen bekämpfen, um das Geheimnis zu lösen.
Hunter Street follows the journey of five foster kids on a quest to find their missing parents, Erik and Kate Hunter, after they mysteriously disappear.After spending his first night in his new home, Max, along with new siblings Tess, Anika, Sal and Daniel wake up to find their foster parents, Erik and Kate have vanished. In order to crack the case, the siblings set out on a quest for clues, leading them on an epic and suspenseful family adventure, including boat racing through canals, exploring secret tunnels and uncovering lost treasures. With obstacles at every turn, they must also fight off old family rivals and duplicitous heirs in order to solve the mystery.
Hunter Street follows the journey of five foster kids on a quest to find their missing parents, Erik and Kate Hunter, after they mysteriously disappear.After spending his first night in his new home, Max, along with new siblings Tess, Anika, Sal and Daniel wake up to find their foster parents, Erik and Kate have vanished. In order to crack the case, the siblings set out on a quest for clues, leading them on an epic and suspenseful family adventure, including boat racing through canals, exploring secret tunnels and uncovering lost treasures. With obstacles at every turn, they must also fight off old family rivals and duplicitous heirs in order to solve the mystery.