Deep Insanity: The Lost Child
Hiro Shimono, Ami Koshimizu, Kohsuke Toriumi, Yuya Hirose, Ruriko Noguchi, Kaede Hondo, Takako TanakaWahnsinn und nicht erwachender Schlaf, Randolph-Syndrom. Diese neue Krankheit nähert sich langsam, aber stetig der Menschheit, verursacht durch die riesige unterirdische Welt Asylum, die in der Antarktis erschienen ist. Dort gibt es seltsame Kreaturen, die sich von der Erde unterscheiden, und unbekannte Ressourcen. Die Menschen setzen ihr Leben in den Tiefen der geheimnisvollen neuen Welt aufs Spiel, um zu großem Reichtum zu gelangen, um sich zu organisieren oder um ihre eigenen Ziele zu erreichen. Allein hier versucht ein junger Mann mit einem Wunsch im Herzen, die Frontlinie des Asyls herauszufordern.
Madness and unawakening sleep, Randolph syndrome.This new illness is slowly but steadily approaching humanity, caused by the huge underground world Asylum that appeared in Antarctica. There are strange creatures different from the earth, and unknown resources. People bet their lives on the depths of the mysterious new world to get huge wealth, organizational plots, or their own ambitions.And here alone, a young man with a wish in his heart is trying to challenge the front line of Asylum.
Madness and unawakening sleep, Randolph syndrome.This new illness is slowly but steadily approaching humanity, caused by the huge underground world Asylum that appeared in Antarctica. There are strange creatures different from the earth, and unknown resources. People bet their lives on the depths of the mysterious new world to get huge wealth, organizational plots, or their own ambitions.And here alone, a young man with a wish in his heart is trying to challenge the front line of Asylum.