Der Graf von Monte Christo: Gankutsuou
Mahiro MaedaSchauspieler:
Jouji Nakata, Jun Fukuyama, Daisuke Hirakawa, Mai Nakahara, Shinpachi Tsuji, Jūrōta Kosugi, Kikuko Inoue, Akiko Yajima, Chie NakamuraIm Jahre 5053 weilen die beiden jungen Adligen und Freunde Albert de Morcerf und Franz d’Epinay auf Luna, um den jährlichen Karnevals-Festlichkeiten beizuwohnen. Sie suchen die Aufregung und eine letzte Gelegenheit sich vor ihren arrangierten Ehen noch einmal zu vergnügen. Das erhoffte Abenteuer und noch viel mehr finden sie in Person des unergründlichen Grafen von Monte Christo, einem ebenso kultiviert-charmanten, wie bedrohlich-mysteriösen Lebemann von unbekannter Herkunft. Besonders Franz ist von dieser einzigartigen Gestalt fasziniert, doch tritt die sinistre Seite des Grafen immer mehr in den Vordergrund: Die Rache ist sein, koste es, was es wolle!
Trying to escape his uneventful life, Albert, the son of a renowned general from Paris, makes a journey with his friend Franz. During his travels, he meets an immensely wealthy nobleman named The Count of Monte Cristo. Living in luxurious hotels, surrounded by beautiful women and strong bodyguards, the charming but enigmatic count fascinates Albert. Albert invites the count to join the high society of Paris. However, unknown to Albert, his father had once framed the count and took the Count's fiancée as his own.
Trying to escape his uneventful life, Albert, the son of a renowned general from Paris, makes a journey with his friend Franz. During his travels, he meets an immensely wealthy nobleman named The Count of Monte Cristo. Living in luxurious hotels, surrounded by beautiful women and strong bodyguards, the charming but enigmatic count fascinates Albert. Albert invites the count to join the high society of Paris. However, unknown to Albert, his father had once framed the count and took the Count's fiancée as his own.