Der junge Wallander
Ben HarrisSchauspieler:
Adam Pålsson, Richard Dillane, Leanne Best, Ellise ChappellDiese Neuinterpretation von den Produzenten des Hits „Wallander“ zeigt Henning Mankells Romanfigur, Kommissar Kurt Wallander, mit Anfang 20 im Schweden des Jahres 2020.
In a bold and original new story set in contemporary Sweden, Young Wallander sees Henning Mankell's iconic detective Kurt Wallander investigate his gripping first case. The story focuses on the formative experiences – professional and personal - faced by Kurt as a recently graduated police officer in his early twenties.
In a bold and original new story set in contemporary Sweden, Young Wallander sees Henning Mankell's iconic detective Kurt Wallander investigate his gripping first case. The story focuses on the formative experiences – professional and personal - faced by Kurt as a recently graduated police officer in his early twenties.