Der Mann in den Bergen
Charles E. Sellier Jr.Schauspieler:
Denver Pyle, Dan HaggertyDie Handlung dreht sich – nach wahren Begebenheiten und als Nachfolger des gleichnamigen Films – um einen Mann namens James Adams, der wegen eines Verbrechens, das er nicht begangen hat, in die Berge flieht, wo er sich versteckt. Hier zieht er außerdem ein verlassenes Bärenjunges groß, das langsam aber sicher zu einem prächtigen Grizzlybären wird und auf den Namen Ben hört. Seine einzigen menschlichen Freunde sind der Händler Mad Jack und der Indianer Nakuma.
This was a show that was different from all others from its time. It is about a man that goes into the wilderness and befriends a grizzly bear cub which he named Ben. Together they meet other people and different kinds of wild life. For those 25-40 will remember this show well while they were growing up in the 1970's early 1980's. There was no other show like it then and there will never be another show like it in the future. The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams Theme Song Deep inside the forest is a door into another land, Here is our life and home, We are staying, here forever in the beauty of this place all alone, We keep on hoping... Maybe, there's a world where we won't have to run, and Maybe, there's a time we'll call our own, Living free in harmony and majesty, Take me home, Take me home.
This was a show that was different from all others from its time. It is about a man that goes into the wilderness and befriends a grizzly bear cub which he named Ben. Together they meet other people and different kinds of wild life. For those 25-40 will remember this show well while they were growing up in the 1970's early 1980's. There was no other show like it then and there will never be another show like it in the future. The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams Theme Song Deep inside the forest is a door into another land, Here is our life and home, We are staying, here forever in the beauty of this place all alone, We keep on hoping... Maybe, there's a world where we won't have to run, and Maybe, there's a time we'll call our own, Living free in harmony and majesty, Take me home, Take me home.