Des Lebens bittere Süße
Jenny Seagrove, Deborah KerrEmma Harte, Chefin mehrerer milliardenschwerer englischer Unternehmen, erfährt in den USA, dass ihre beiden Söhne Kit und Robin versuchen, sie auszubooten. Mit ihrer Enkelin Paula fährt sie nach England zurück, um in das Geschehen einzugreifen. Anlässlich ihres Geburtstages erlebt sie in einer Rückschau nochmals ihr ganzes Leben: Als blutjunges Mädchen wird Emma vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg auf dem Gutshof der Fairleys in Mittelengland nur gedemütigt. Die Eltern und Brüder wohnen nicht weit entfernt in ärmlichen Verhältnissen. Als Emma von Edwin Fairley schwanger wird, aber nicht mit seiner Hilfe rechnen kann, geht sie nach Leeds und nimmt ihr Leben selbst in die Hand.
Propelled by Star studded casts and rich period detail, these brilliant adaptations of Barbara Taylor Bradford's bestselling novels bring to life two of her most unfortgettable heroines. The beloved trilogy that begins with Emma Harte's remarkable rise from servant girl to international corporate power comes full circle when Emma's granddaughter must struggle against powerful enemies to keep the family's retail empire from collapsing. From beginning to end, three inspiring stories of love, power and determination. A Woman of Substance charts the life of Emma Harte, from kitchen maid at the beginning of the 20th Century, to respected business woman and Grandmother in the 1980's. From humble beginnings Emma Harte starts her business with a small shop, but over the next twenty years she expands her stores and invests in the growing textile industry in Leeds.
Propelled by Star studded casts and rich period detail, these brilliant adaptations of Barbara Taylor Bradford's bestselling novels bring to life two of her most unfortgettable heroines. The beloved trilogy that begins with Emma Harte's remarkable rise from servant girl to international corporate power comes full circle when Emma's granddaughter must struggle against powerful enemies to keep the family's retail empire from collapsing. From beginning to end, three inspiring stories of love, power and determination. A Woman of Substance charts the life of Emma Harte, from kitchen maid at the beginning of the 20th Century, to respected business woman and Grandmother in the 1980's. From humble beginnings Emma Harte starts her business with a small shop, but over the next twenty years she expands her stores and invests in the growing textile industry in Leeds.