Designated Survivor
David GuggenheimSchauspieler:
Maggie Q, Kal Penn, Italia Ricci, Kiefer Sutherland, Adan Canto, Natascha McElhone, LaMonica Garrett, Tanner Buchanan, Ben Lawson, Paulo Costanzo, Zoe McLellanIn der Serie „Designated Survivor“ spielt Kiefer Sutherland den Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten. Sutherlands Charakter ist zunächst nur ein unterklassiges Kabinettsmitglied, ein Hinterbänkler. Als dann aber im Rahmen der Ansprache zur Lage der Union alle hochrangigen Politiker der USA, inklusive dem Präsidenten, ermordet werden, rückt er plötzlich an die erste Stelle der Rangfolge für das höchste Amt im Lande. Widerwillig und zögerlich muss er sich seiner Verantwortung stellen.
Kiefer Sutherland stars as Tom Kirkman, a lower-level cabinet member who is suddenly appointed President of the United States after a catastrophic attack on the US Capitol during the State of the Union, on the highly anticipated series Designated Survivor. In this dramatic thriller, Kirkman will struggle to keep the country and his own family from falling apart, while navigating the highly-volatile political arena and while leading the search to find who is responsible for the attack.
Kiefer Sutherland stars as Tom Kirkman, a lower-level cabinet member who is suddenly appointed President of the United States after a catastrophic attack on the US Capitol during the State of the Union, on the highly anticipated series Designated Survivor. In this dramatic thriller, Kirkman will struggle to keep the country and his own family from falling apart, while navigating the highly-volatile political arena and while leading the search to find who is responsible for the attack.